Top 5 Screenplays: Tips for beginner Screenwriters

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Now before I begin, I don't claim to know everything about screenwriting. I myself, am only learning, but  I thought it would be good to give a list of the screenplays that I have found helped me learn the most.  Also I think reading other screenplays is one of the most overlooked practices when people start writing their own for the first time (which completely baffles me, but hey to each their own!).

These are from a variety of genres but I find it extremely beneficial to read screenplays from multiple genres, as each one has its own tips to offer. 

That said, if you are planning on writing a romantic comedy, you should probably read WAY more screenplays in that genre. However learning the techniques from films "outside your comfort zone" can help in many ways.  So throw in a thriller or horror in the midst of all your romantic comedies, you might be surprised at what you'll learn!

I have tried to include examples that I feel each provide their own individual lesson. 

So in no particular order….

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